Create a Drop-Down List on a Computer

A drop-down list or other data validation method can be created and applied to one or more cells in a Sheets spreadsheet on most major desktop and laptop web browsers. However, Google Chrome is recommended for optimal performance.

Modify or Remove a Drop-Down List in a Web Browser

Take the following steps to modify or remove a drop-down list or other data validation criteria from a particular cell range.

List from a range: When selected, a drop-down list containing values retrieved from a specific cell range (from the active sheet or another sheet in the current workbook) appears. List of items: When selected, a drop-down list containing text values entered in the accompanying edit field appears. Each item entered should be separated by a comma. Number: This does not present a drop-down list to the user. Instead, it validates that their entry falls within a specific numeric range. Text: This does not present a drop-down list. Instead, it validates that the entry contains or does not contain a particular string of text, is a valid email address, or is a properly constructed URL. Date: This option doesn’t create a drop-down list. It validates whether a date entered in the chosen cells is valid or falls within a specific range. Custom formula is: This allows data validation in the selected cells to use a user-specified formula.

Create a Drop-Down List on an Android Device

A drop-down list or other data validation method can be created and applied to one or more cells within a spreadsheet on your Android phone or tablet using the Sheets app.

Modify or Remove a Drop-Down List on an Android Device

List of items: When selected, a drop-down list containing text values entered in the accompanying field appears to the user. Tap Add before entering each list item.List from a range: When selected, a drop-down list containing values retrieved from a specific cell range (from the active sheet or another sheet in the current workbook) appears to the user. An example range is Sheet1!A2:D5.Text contains: Ensures that the text entered by the spreadsheet’s user includes a specific string.Text does not contain: The opposite of the above option. It confirms that the text entered does not contain a particular string.Text exactly: Validates that the text entered by the user matches a specific string.Is valid email: Validates that the user entered a correctly formatted email address.Is valid URL: Ensures that the user enters a fully-formed web address.Date is valid: Confirms that the user entered an actual date in the correct format.Date is: The entry must match a specific day/month/year.Date is between: The entry must be a date that falls within a particular range.Date is not between: The entry must be a date that does not fall within a particular range.Date is on or before: The entry must match a specific date or be any day before it.Date is on or after: The entry must match a specific date or be any day following it.Date is after: The entry must be sometime after a specified date.Greater than: The entry must be a number greater than the one specified.Greater than or equal to: The entry must be a number greater than or matching the one specified.Less than: The entry must be a number less than the one specified.Less than or equal to: The entry must be a number less than or matching the one specified.Equal to: The entry must be a number that matches the one specified.Is not equal to: The entry must be a number that does not match the one specified.Between: The entry must be a number within the specified range.Is not between: The entry must be a number that does not fall within the specified range.Custom formula: This allows data validation in the selected cells to utilize a user-specified formula.