OpenOffice Calc SUM Function

Two ways of entering this function include:

Using the SUM function shortcut button — it is the Greek capital letter Sigma (Σ) located next to the input line (same as the formula bar in Excel). Adding the SUM function to a worksheet using the function wizard dialog box. The dialog box can be opened by selecting the Function Wizard located next to the Sigma button on the input line.

The SUM Function’s Syntax and Arguments

A function’s syntax refers to the layout of the function and includes the function’s name, brackets, and arguments. The syntax for the SUM function is: =SUM (number 1; number 2; … number 30) number 1; number 2; … number 30 - the data to be summed by the function. The arguments can contain:

a list of numbers to be summed a list of cell references indicating the location of the data in the worksheet a range of cell references to the location of the data

Summing Data with the SUM Button

For those who prefer to use the mouse to the keyboard, the SUM button is a quick and easy way to enter the SUM function. When entered in this fashion, the function tries to determine the range of cells to be summed based on surrounding data and automatically enters the most likely range as the function’s number argument. The function only searches for number data located in columns above or in rows to the left of the active cell and it ignores text data and blank cells. Below are listed the steps used to enter the SUM function into cell A7 as shown below.

Manually Entering the SUM Function

Yet another option for entering the function is to type it into a worksheet cell. If the cell references for the range of data to be summed is known, the function can be easily entered manually. For the example in the image above, entering =SUM(A1:A6) into cell A7 and pressing Enter would achieve the same result as the steps listed below for using the SUM shortcut button.

SUM Function Example

Below are listed the steps used to enter the SUM function into cell A7 as shown in the image in step 15 . The instructions use the SUM function dialog box to enter the values located in cells A1, A3, A6, B2, and B3 as number arguments for the function.

What the SUM Function Ignores

The function ignores blank cells and text data in the selected range - including numbers that having been formatted as text. By default, text data in Calc is left aligned in a cell – as seen with the number 160 in cell A2 in the image above - number data aligns to the right by default. If such text data is later converted to number data or numbers are added to blank cells in the range, the SUM function total automatically updates to include the new data.

Add Numbers Using Calc’s SUM Function Dialog Box

As mentioned, another option for entering the SUM function is to use the function’s dialog box, which can be opened either by:

Selecting the Function Wizard on the input line above the worksheet.Pressing Ctrl + F2.

Shortcut and Dialog Box Advantages

The advantage of using the Sigma button to enter the function is that it is fast and easy to use. If the data to be summed is grouped together in a contiguous range the function will often select the range for you. The advantage of using the SUM function dialog box is if the data to be summed is spread out over a number of non-contiguous cells. Using the dialog box in this situation makes it easier to add the individual cells to the function.

Dialog Box Advantages

Advantages of using the dialog box include: