Change the Background Color for a New Image

Changing the color of a picture’s background can have a dramatic effect on how it looks, and one of the best tools to do that is Adobe Photoshop—although there are some great alternatives. Whether you have the full version or a free trial, there are a few different methods you can use to do it. Changing the background in Photoshop before you create a new image is the quickest way to set it to your preference. When you make a new document in Photoshop, there will be an option to choose your background color. Use its drop-down menu or color-select box to choose the color you would prefer the background to be. When you create a new image, it will have your choice as its background color. To change the color of the background after creating the image, you can create a brand new background in a color of your choice:

Change the Background Color in Existing Images

Before you can change the color of the background in Photoshop you need to select it. Here are a few ways to do it, whether you’re working on Windows or macOS:

Use the Magic Wand Tool

The Magic Wand tool is quick and dirty and works best when there are stark differences between the foreground and background, but it can work rather well if you’re short on time or patience. To do so, select the Magic Wand tool from the left-hand menu (it’s the fourth one down and looks like a wand). Then, hold Shift and select the different parts of the background you want to change the color of.

Use the Lasso Tool

If the magic wand is a bit too heavy-handed or not nuanced enough to select all of your background, the lasso tool can be helpful. There are three you can leverage for the same purpose. Select and hold the third-option in the left-hand menu to be given a choice. The standard lasso requires drawing around the background by hand; Polygonal Lasso will let you draw defined, straight lines; Magnetic Lasso will stick to existing lines and edges. When you’ve finished drawing around your background, either connect back to the starting point to finalize it, or press Ctrl+Click. If you’re using a tablet running Windows 10, pressing and holding on the screen will give you the option to right-click, which opens a contextual menu with additional functions. Select the one you need, then tap for the same function.

Use the Masking Tool

If you want a super precise way of selecting the background of an image, you can use the masking tool. It’s the tool second-from-bottom in the left-hand menu. Select it, then use a paintbrush or similar tool to “paint” your selection. This can be combined with the above methods to fine-tune an existing selection. You should see the areas you’ve selected appear in red. When you’ve happy with your selection, select the masking tool again to see your selection in dashed lines. Now that you’ve selected the background, it’s time to change its color. You can do so in a couple of different ways, depending on what color you want the background to be:

Change Hue

Press Ctrl+U to bring up the Hue and Saturation menu. Use the Hue slider to tweak the hue of your background. It will maintain the same lighting levels as before, but the overall color palette will change.

Paint Over It

If you would rather have a blank color as your background, you can simply paint over the one you have already.