Dark Souls 3 Classes

You can choose between 10 different class types when creating your character, each with its own set amount of skill points for various attributes. The total attribute points for each stat is determined by the level of the class you choose. For instance, Knights start at level 9, and Warriors begin at level 7. As you defeat enemies, you’ll earn points that allow you to raise individual stats. Instead of focusing on each class’s deficiencies, you should accentuate their inherent talents. For example, since Warriors start with high Strength, spend points on increasing that stat to make their naturally powerful attacks even deadlier. While you can begin with any character class, it’s clear from play styles, attributes, levels, and skills which are more appropriate for beginners, intermediate players, and those looking for more of a challenge. Below you’ll find a breakdown of each class that includes starting stats, tips on where to invest points as you level up, and what makes each class interesting.


Starting Stats

As you gain stat points, focus on increasing your Knight’s Strength to maximize the damage you deal with physical blows. You’ll also want to upgrade your Endurance and Vitality so that you can equip stronger armor.


Starting Stats

Increase your Warrior’s Strength and Dexterity so that it can hold heavier weapons, then focus on building up your Endurance so that you can execute endless combos to keep your enemies off their feet.


Starting Stats

Playing as a Mercenary requires more strategy than some other classes. Spend your stat points on raising Faith, Dexterity, and Endurance to increase the efficiency of their attacks.


Starting Stats

Stats to focus on for Heralds include Dexterity, Endurance, Strength, and Vitality. As with Mercenaries, you should approach battles with a strategy rather than just running straight into enemy territory.


Starting Stats

You should raise your Thief’s Vitality and Dexterity so that it can equip better weapons and armor. Increasing your Endurance allows you to shoot more arrows faster. Since you have to rely on quick reflexes to thrive as a Theif, this class isn’t recommended for novice players.


Starting Stats

Assassins start out at a pretty high level, making them suitable for players who don’t mind putting a little extra thought into planning their offense. Prioritize raising your Assassin’s Attunement, Dexterity, and Intelligence to equip better weapons and spells.


Starting Stats

Raising your Sorcerers Intelligence will increase the amount of damage they can deal, and raising Attunement grants them more spell slots. Increasing their Dexterity allows Sorcerers to cast spells even quicker.


Starting Stats

When playing as a Pyromancer, prioritize raising their Attunement, Faith, and Intelligence. While their fire skills come in handy early on, they can’t access more powerful magics until much later in the game.


Starting Stats

Raise your Cleric’s Faith, Endurance, and Attunement to increase their spell-casting capacity. If your preferred battle tactics involve absorbing as much damage as possible while using offensive skills, then the Cleric class isn’t for you.


Starting Stats

Unfortunately, they can’t use armor, and their shield is practically useless. If this is your first time playing Dark Souls III, save the Deprived class for your second or third playthrough after you’ve perfected the art of character progression.