However, what if every option you try fails, and you’re right back at one of those screens when your computer restarts?

Why Your PC Won’t Start in Safe Mode

This Startup Settings loop or Advanced Boot Options loop, depending on your version of Windows, is a common way in which Windows won’t start. The reason could be that there’s an issue with important system files necessary to load Safe Mode. Follow this troubleshooting guide if your computer returns to the Startup Settings or ABO Screen on every attempt to enter Safe Mode, Last Known Good Configuration, and other startup methods.

How to Fix a Computer That Always Stops at Startup Settings or Advanced Boot Options

You have several options:

Tips and More Information

If Windows will start in one or more of the Safe Mode options, but that’s it, continue with the troubleshooting steps on this page, which will be a bit easier to complete thanks to your access to Safe Mode.

Start Windows in Safe Mode Start Windows with the Last Known Good Configuration

You may have already done this, but if not, know that these startup methods are there because they help avoid one or more specific problems that prevent Windows from loading. Try the option to start Windows normally as well—you never know. Windows could be returning to the Startup Settings or Advanced Boot Options menu because of damage to a driver, important file, or part of the registry. A System Restore will return all of those things to the state they were in at a time when your computer worked fine, which could solve your problem entirely. Windows 11, 10 & 8: System Restore is available outside Windows from the Advanced Startup Options menu. Windows 7 & Vista: System Restore is available from outside of Windows 7 & Vista via System Recovery Options and is most easily available when booting from your Windows installation disc. If you’re using Windows 7, System Recovery Options is also available right here from the Advanced Boot Options menu as the Repair Your Computer option. However, this may not work depending on what’s causing your overall problem, so you may have to boot to the installation disc after all. Another Option for Windows 11, 10, 8, or 7: If you don’t have your Windows installation disc or flash drive, but you do have access to another computer with one of those versions of Windows installed, like another in the house or a friend’s, you can create repair media from there that you can use to complete this step on your broken computer. See How to Create a Windows 7 System Repair Disc or How to Create a Windows Recovery Drive for tutorials. Windows XP & Me Users: This troubleshooting option does not apply to you. System Restore was made available from a bootable disc starting with the release of Windows Vista. Windows XP & Me Users: Again, this troubleshooting option is unavailable to you. System File Checker is only available from within Windows in your operating system. The chances are that if the Windows repair you tried in Step 2 didn’t work, then this won’t either, but it’s worth a shot considering the hardware-focused troubleshooting up next. CMOS batteries are inexpensive, and one that is no longer keeping a charge can cause all sorts of strange behavior during the Windows startup process. Try reseating the following hardware and then see if Windows will start properly:

Reseat all internal data and power cables Reseat the memory modules Reseat any expansion cards

If your system memory is failing, Windows may be unable to start in any mode. Replace the memory in your computer if the memory test shows any problem. Replace your hard drive if your tests show an error. After replacing the hard drive, you’ll need to perform a clean installation. If your hard drive passes your test, the hard drive is physically fine, so the cause of your problem must be with Windows, in which case the next step will solve the problem. If Windows starts after enabling Last Known Good Configuration, some change made after the last time your computer started correctly caused this problem, and the error may return if the same changes are made. If you can avoid causing the same problem again, there’s nothing more to do, and everything should be fine. If Windows starts with low-resolution video enabled, then there’s a huge chance that your computer’s video card is glitchy: