What Do You Need to Get a Verified Badge on Twitch?

Twitch verification badges are rewarded to Twitch streamers who have reached Partner status. Their main purpose is to reduce the risk of scammers impersonating popular streamer personalities, though these badges have also become a bit of a status symbol for those who earn.

Twitch Partner Method 1: Use Your Social Media Clout

The fastest way to become a Twitch Partner and unlock the verified badge is to directly apply via this partnership application form on the Twitch website. This form is available to Twitch streamers who already have a large and engaged audience on other social networks or streaming platforms. Both brands and individuals can use this method though it’s really only affective for those who have follower or subscriber numbers in the tens of thousands.

Twitch Partner Method 2: Build Up Your Twitch Channel

If the first application method isn’t available to you, or you’ve tried it and were rejected, you’ll need to apply for Twitch Partner by building up your channel and reaching certain requirements. These requirements can be tracked within your Creator Dashboard on Twitch via Insights > Achievements > Path To Partner. The requirements are the following:

Stream for 25 hours. This is the minimum requirement for the amount of streaming on Twitch you need to do. Ideally, this should not include pre-stream welcome screens.Stream on 12 different days. Consistency is also key so try to stream on the same days every week and at the same times rather than streaming 12 days in a row at the end of the month.Average of 75 viewers. This means you need to attract at least 75 viewers on average each time you streamed over the past 30 days. Twitch is looking at your ability to attract repeat viewers so having 2,000 viewers on one stream while just getting seven or so on other days will not help you get Partner. These views do not include those gained by hosts and raids.

Once the three achievements above have been unlocked on your channel, the ability to apply for Twitch Partner, which will get you that Twitch verified badge, will unlock. Twitch Affiliates, streamers which are ranked above average users and below Partners, do not receive the verified badge. You don’t need to be a Twitch Affiliate before applying to become a Partner.

How to Get a Verified Badge in Chat on Twitch

The verified badge shown next to usernames in Twitch chats is the same badge rewarded to Twitch Partners. This means to get a verified badge in chat on a Twitch channel, you need to have achieved Twitch Partner status. Verified badges are used in Twitch chats to prevent scammers and trolls from pretending to be famous Twitch streamers or other celebrities.

How Do You Get Verified on Twitch for Chat Participation?

Some Twitch channels enable an extra layer of security for their chats which require participants to have their accounts verified. This Twitch chat verification is completely different than the verified status Twitch Partners get and simply requires users to link a mobile phone to their account. This process is mostly used as an attempt to reduce bots and online harassment in Twitch chats. Twitch chat verification is also separate from the two factor identification (2FA) process which is used to secure your account from hackers.

Are There Different Types of Verified Badges on Twitch?

There’s only one official verified badge on Twitch, although it does appear slightly differently depending on where it’s used on the Twitch website and apps. When placed next to a Twitch streamer’s name on their channel page or profile, the verified badge will appear as a checkmark within a purple heptagon or seven-sided polygon. When the verified badge is placed next to a streamer’s name within a Twitch chat, it appears as a purple checkmark within a white heptagon within a purple square. It is possible you may see other badges within a Twitch chat that look like a verification badge but these are custom badges created by the owner of the Twitch channel. These custom verified badges are used to reward certain audience members for being a loyal viewer or for continuing to renew their Twitch subscription to the channel for an extended period of time. To find out the meaning behind these custom badges, hover your mouse cursor over it to activate a pop-up description.