How to Turn on the Twitter Chronological Timeline

There’s an option that allows you to turn off the algorithm that displays tweets in your timeline out of order and let you sort tweets by time posted. While this brings back your chronological timeline, you still see “In case you missed it,” promoted tweets, liked tweets, and conversation threads. After logging in on the Twitter website, select the icon that looks like a bunch of stars. It’s at the top of your feed. Then, select See latest tweets instead.

If you want to get rid of Twitter’s promoted tweets, random tweets liked by people you follow, conversation threads, “In case you missed it,” and account recommendations, a feature you should check out is Twitter lists. They are collections of accounts you can manually add to whenever you like. When viewing a list, every tweet from the added accounts is shown chronologically and without any of the features mentioned above. Here’s how to create one:

What’s Changed?

When Twitter first launched, reading its timeline was a fairly simple, easy-to-understand experience. Back then, the timeline showed you every tweet and retweet from the accounts you followed in chronological order. That was it. It has since implemented an algorithm and several system-wide features that changed the order in which you see tweets. It also added several new aspects, changing the social media platform significantly. Here are the main changes Twitter has made to its timeline since launch:

Non-Chronological Timeline: Twitter now shows users tweets in order of how important its system thinks they are to you. Basically, if you like a lot of tweets from a specific account, Twitter shows you more tweets from them regardless of when they tweeted them. “In case you missed it” Tweets: When you open Twitter after being away for a few hours, you may be greeted with a collection of popular tweets from people you follow grouped together under the phrase, “In case you missed it.” Liked By Tweets: Twitter displays tweets people you follow have liked. Twitter Conversations: Originally, Twitter would display @ replies to tweets on their own in your timeline. Now an @ reply also includes a couple of the previous tweets in the conversation regardless of how long ago they were posted. Tweets From Strangers: Occasionally, Twitter shows you tweets in your timeline from accounts you don’t follow, but its algorithm thinks you may enjoy based on your activity. For example, if you like or retweet tweets about anime, Twitter may recommend some popular anime accounts to follow. Promoted Tweets: Your Twitter timeline features tweets that were paid to be promoted by companies or individuals.