How to Speak to Siri With Your Apple Watch

Before proceeding, make sure Siri is set up on your Apple Watch. Siri waits for you to say a command before responding, allowing you to complete tasks virtually hands-free. There are three ways to trigger a Siri command, depending on your preferences:

Press and hold the Digital Crown on the side of the Apple Watch.Tap the screen and say Hey Siri.Raise your wrist and say Hey Siri.

10 Best Siri Commands to Use on the Go

Siri can perform most of the tasks that your iPhone can do without the need for hands-on control. Here’s a list of ten great Siri commands you can start using today.

Make a Phone Call

One of the most common tasks performed with an Apple Watch is a simple phone call. With the help of Siri, you can make it happen on your Apple Watch. All you have to do is specify which number or contact Siri should dial. Start Siri and say Call [contact] at home.

Send a Text

Sending a text is a simple Siri command. Start by activating Siri, then say Send [contact] a text. Siri allows you to preview your message before it’s sent. If you don’t want to send it, select Don’t Send. Otherwise, tell Siri to send your message.

Get Directions

Want to find the nearest Starbucks? Siri can help you with directions to anywhere you want to go. Launch Siri and say Get directions to [location]. Siri asks you to choose from a list of locations closest to you. Pick one from the list, and Siri displays directions on your watch and your iPhone.

Create a Reminder

If you need to add something to a grocery list and you don’t have a pen, or you want Siri to remind you about a doctor’s appointment coming up, use Siri to create a reminder. Tell Siri what you want to be reminded about at a specific date and time. You’ll find your reminders inside the Reminders app on your Apple Watch and on your iPhone. Siri also sends you a notification when it’s time. To set a reminder, launch Siri and say Remind me about [event or item] at [time].

Work Out

When you’re ready to get your fitness on, Siri can help by starting a new workout session to track your progress. Say Go for a three-mile walk, or some other activity. Make sure you tell Siri exactly what you want to do. Siri opens Workout to track your walk or workout. When you’re done, say Finish my workout.

Turn on Airplane Mode

When you’re boarding a flight or don’t want to be disturbed, ask Siri to turn on airplane mode. Say Turn on airplane mode.

Get Answers

If you want to know how many miles it is to New York or forget how many days are in June, use Siri to get answers quickly. Ask Siri any question, such as:

What time is it in New York?How many cups are in a gallon?Why is the sky blue?

Siri uses information found online and on your Apple Watch to answer your questions. So, you can also ask Siri personal questions, like when your next meeting is.

Flip a Coin

To help make some of life’s most difficult decisions, you can ask Siri to flip a coin. Say Flip a coin, and Siri provides a 50-50 response—heads or tails. No coin required! If you don’t like the result, ask Siri to flip again.

Set an Alarm

Siri is great at setting alarms from your Apple Watch, including the day and time for which you’d like the alarm to be set. Say Set an alarm for [date] at [time], and Siri sets the alarm for you. If you want to cancel an alarm, tell Siri to turn it off.

Search for Images

There are plenty of reasons why you may want to find images on the go. For example, you may need to know what a country’s flag looks like. Or, maybe you want to check out photos from a recent event. Whatever the case, tell Siri to search for pictures for you. Say, for example, Show me photos from the Met Gala, or Show me photos of Italy.