Our Monster Legends breeding guide is categorized by element, from Fire through Metal, and provides key details about each. You can learn more about the elements within the game as you progress through the beginner levels and follow the predefined goals, matching single-element and hybrid monsters with their appropriate building types. Perfecting the elements is also key when squaring off in battle. Making these changes on-the-fly lets you carefully strategize before committing to a battle. This way, you can be sure the monsters you send into the fray give you the best chance against a particular set of foes. Choosing which monsters to use at a given time should be based on their offensive and defensive strengths or weaknesses against certain elements, and the special skills and resistances each possess. Special skills are featured at the bottom of the profile screen. These skills are often the most powerful. Many can attack multiple foes at the same time or heal and protect several team members simultaneously. Perfecting these elite skills and knowing when and where to deploy each skill is a key survival skill in Monster Legends, especially against upper-echelon enemies. When Pandalf greets you and walks you through specific tasks, listen to him. The furry little guy is a seasoned Monster Master and knows his stuff. Even after he takes a back seat, the Goals button is almost always in view. You should press it regularly. Following the tasks set out for you in the order presented can help you advance to higher levels and provide a more satisfying gaming experience. As far as warfare is concerned, it’s also good to follow the Adventure Map as designed. Hopping from fight to fight in a progressive manner helps you gain invaluable experience while getting used to different types of foes and battle strategies. You can also rack up a ton of loot and XP (experience points) along the way. A lot of breeding in Monster Legends is a crapshoot, and often the result is not what you were hoping for. You can’t be afraid to experiment, though, and eggs can always be sold to the shop if you aren’t satisfied. The result of sending two monsters to the Breeding Mountain is anything but certain. However, there are guidelines you should follow to give yourself a better chance at the desired hatchling. Before a fight, know the purpose and effect of each item you have, and be ready to use items when necessary. No matter if it’s a healing scroll or a stick of dynamite, your inventory is as important as your monsters’ skills. One simple method for gathering wealth is to link your Facebook account and share updates and other statuses when the game prompts you to do so. In most cases, you’ll receive gold or gems as compensation. Another way to stuff your coffers is to invite friends and family members to play. To get started, build a Recruitment Tavern on your island. The tavern can be purchased in the Buildings section of the Shop for the low price of 500 gold. Your game account must be linked to Facebook to send invites from within the tavern. In addition to gold and gems, successfully recruiting new players can earn you free food and monsters. Food is also needed to upgrade habitats and other building types at certain levels. You can earn food through daily bonuses, defeating computer-controlled monsters, or by stealing it from other players during PvP battles. It can also be purchased in the Shop with gems. Your monsters require a lot of food, and these methods don’t produce enough to keep up. This is why you need to build and maintain farms on your island. This allows you to grow your own crops. Farms are purchased in the in-game Shop. The farm size and output depend on your level. You can only build one small farm when starting out. That number continues to grow along with you, maxing out at 14 farms for players at level 55 or above. It’s tempting to spend gold and gems rather than dealing with downtime, especially early in the game. However, you’ll need that loot later as demand increases, and everything becomes more expensive. Save your money. That restraint will pay off tenfold as you advance unless you don’t mind spending real-life money to purchase gem packs from the in-game Shop. In that case, patience may not always be a virtue. In Monster Legends, however, you should feel different about straightening up around the house—err, island. Using your workers to clear bushes, rocks, and trees provides more space to erect habitats, farms, temples, and other important buildings. That’s not the only benefit of cleaning your island. You’ll earn XP for each natural impediment removed.