How a Foreign Key Works to Establish a Relationship

A primary key uniquely identifies each record in the table. It is a type of candidate key that is usually the first column in a table and can be automatically generated by the database to ensure that it is unique. A foreign key is another candidate key (not the primary key) used to link a record to data in another table. For example, consider these two tables that identify which teacher teaches which course. Here, the Courses table’s primary key is Course_ID. Its foreign key is Teacher_ID:

Types of Database Relationships

Using foreign keys, or other candidate keys, you can implement three types of relationships between tables:


This type of relationship allows only one record on each side of the relationship. The primary key relates to only one record (or none) in another table. For example, in a marriage, each spouse has only one other spouse. This kind of relationship can be implemented in a single table and therefore does not use a foreign key.


A one-to-many relationship allows a single record in one table to be related to multiple records in another table. Consider a business with a database that has Customers and Orders tables. A single customer can purchase multiple orders, but a single order could not be linked to multiple customers. Therefore the Orders table would contain a foreign key that matched the primary key of the Customers table, while the Customers table would have no foreign key pointing to the Orders table.


This is a complex relationship in which many records in a table can link to many records in another table. For example, our business probably needs Customers and Orders tables, and likely also needs a Products table. Again, the relationship between the Customers and Orders table is one-to-many, but consider the relationship between the Orders and Products table. An order can contain multiple products, and a product could be linked to multiple orders since several customers might submit an order that contains some of the same products. This kind of relationship requires three tables at a minimum. 

Why Are Database Relationships Important?

Establishing consistent relationships between database tables helps ensure data integrity, contributing to database normalization. For example, what if we did not link any tables through a foreign key and instead combined the data in the Courses and Teachers tables, like so: Or perhaps we decided to add a second record for Carmen, in order to enforce 1NF: Breaking this table into two tables, Teachers and Courses, creates the proper relationship between the data and therefore helps ensure data consistency and accuracy.