When Does the New iPhone Come Out?

Figuring out when the new iPhone comes out isn’t an exact science — at least not until Apple makes an announcement of a release date. But, based on history, you can make an educated guess. Most likely, new iPhone models will come out in September or October every year (with a few possible exceptions, as we’ll see). We can say this based on the release dates of previous iPhones: While it was unclear at that time whether the fall release of the iPhone 4S was a one-time thing, with the September release of the iPhone 5 and almost all subsequent models arriving in September, it seems likely that all new iPhone models will now be released in the fall.

The Exception to the Fall Release Schedule: The iPhone SE

The fall release schedule for new iPhones held true for 5 years, but the March 31, 2016, release of the iPhone SE threw that pattern into doubt. The idea that there may be an occasional new iPhone in the spring was supported with the release of the second-generation iPhone SE in April 2020 and the third-generation in March 2022. So, it seems that Apple does view the spring as its time to release lower-cost iPhones, but note that it’s been years between SE versions.

A Temporary Exception? The iPhone X and XR

The iPhone X presents its own exception, given its November release date. It’s a good bet that that date won’t last, though. Rumor had it that Apple had to push the release of the X to November due to difficulty in manufacturing some of the new components in the phone. As those components become easier to manufacture, we bet future versions of the X will debut in September, too. Plus, while the iPhone X didn’t actually hit the streets until November, it was announced in September at the same time as the iPhone 8 series. Throwing a slight wrench into the new-iPhone-every-September rule is also the iPhone XR, with its October release date. Still, that model was announced in September, at the same time as the iPhone XS and XS Max, so people were at least aware of that model, and could wait to buy it if they wanted, starting in September.

When Should You Upgrade?

The other important question is whether you should wait for the release of a new iPhone model before you upgrade. Since we can say with some confidence that the new iPhone models will come out every September, it makes sense to wait until at least mid-September if you’re planning to upgrade. After all, why buy a phone that won’t be the latest and greatest in just a couple months (or weeks!) if you could get the newest thing by waiting? Your decision will be driven by whether your current phone can last that long — probably not, if it’s broken or malfunctioning, for instance — but if you can wait until fall, do so. And then you can enjoy the new iPhone.

What Happens to Older Models?

While everyone likes to get the latest and greatest, it’s worth paying attention to what happens to older models when Apple releases new ones. In most cases, last year’s top-of-the-line model sticks around at a lower price. For example, when Apple introduced the iPhone 7 series, it discontinued the 6 series, but still offered the 6S and SE, with the price of the 6S being cut by $100 per model. So, if you’re ready to upgrade but are also looking for a deal, it can be a good idea to wait until Apple releases a new model and then snap up last year’s best model for a lower price.